our training
We focus on four key training programs that are necessary to sustain healthy, profitable businesses, and progressive cultures.
These are the Four Things We Fix EVERY SINGLE TIME when helping companies 2-10x their growth in 6-24 months in our 23 year old consulting firm. We fix: How we make agreements and hold team members accountable, How we manage the behaviors of our diverse and difficult team members, How we have courageous conversations in pivotal moments, and How we master our hard wired brain and behavioral responses at pivotal times in business by leading from a center of power, over control.
If you want rapid exponential growth that energizes you instead of drains you, need to sustain that growth over time, and want to do so in a culture that retains the best people, produces solid profits, and builds brands customers lust after, then anchor these four programs into the foundation of your leadership. Be a Power Centered Company!

Mastering our responses in the face of challenge, change, and complexity.
Our I AM Powerful flagship program turns mediocre management into extraordinary leadership in one comprehensive program. This 2-day robust leadership program covers 23 leadership competencies, 17 life skills, emotional intelligence, is based on the Four Principles of Power, and produces progressive Power Centered Leadership cultures company-wide. Great for all levels of leadership, this program has the best ROI in the industry, leaving you strategic leaders who produce results you can measure.

Create a fully engaged high performance team.
Standard accountability can actually decrease your results over time, and done wrong can even create toxic cultures. You may see a bump in results, but those results will be mediocre, costly, most certainly inconsistent, and ultimately unsustainable, because they were built on compliance, over authentic commitment, passion, and personal choice. Turn Compliance into Commitment driving deadlines, and bottom lines, with this 1-day program on our innovative form of Agreement Based Accountability.

How to lead challenging, diverse, or difficult team members.
Turn your most challenging team members into your greatest asset, on the spot! Learn how to manage human behavior, and effectively redirect difficult people to produce the measurable results you desire, and reduce challenging distractions, or lawsuits. Gain tools anyone can use in 5 minutes or less, in the middle of business, to reduce distractions, aligns teams, and re-engage troublesome team members for improved productivity.

How to have game changing conversations in high stakes situations.
Enhance communication in sales, service, leadership, and everyday business. Perfect for any team member. Critical in every aspect of business. Participants learn the seven critical steps and build the confidence necessary to have courageous conversations during the most pivotal moments in business. Leaders will effectively navigate challenges, produce results, close a deal, or anchor agreements for improved productivity, meaningful, authentic relationships, and intentionally positive experiences with customers, partners, and team members.